There are certain people that will come into the circle of invisible people all the time.
They might not be invisible at first, they might not be invisible to certain people but they eventually feel that they are being discarded, neglected or left careless.
Although this phenomenon happens all the time and it may seem there is no running away from it, but there are definitely some measures that can take you to get out of that circle and become someone you want to be, and appreciate your existence in the world. This will lead to being hopeful, being happy and also set you a worthy goal.
I thought to myself for a long time; How can I be more Happy?
And I came up with an idea which helps both the neglected people and also people in the need of other people's assistance.
I wanted to open a community, which I myself needed a lot and can feel the lack of its existence already in my life, and thought to myself there might be other people who felt like this. other people who wants to help and get help from members of the community.
When you can live sustainable with growing your own food, your own electricity and other needs by yourself without the help of the government and their rulings, why can't you get help from individuals and help them in return as well?
I am not yet familiar with websites or communities which serves this kinds of services to others so I just start writing in here. If someone see and reads this, they can join up. let people know what you can do, tell people what do you want from them? or how They can help you in the way you want.
so for a quick start: I can teach in many areas from gardening, Human Brain, behavioral sciences, human body and how it works. what things to eat. what things to eat and enjoy life. how to be sustainable and how to survive with less or no money at all.
This list has to be update in the future. I am Lazy therefore I don't write all the description to my personality or areas I know what I am talking about.
I hope to see some mature people in here and connect with them.
Godspeed (above the speeding limit)